You have wandered into...

...the Terrier ZONE. This site is dedicated to our gang of pooches. Jeff & Bethany, the humans who run the joint would like to welcome you to a site about our shared passion and joy, our dogs. Our goal on this site is both to celebrate our beloved pets and to educate others about the joys of dog fostering, feeding raw, training techniques, fun doggie links and other great info. We will do our best to impart a few words of canine wisdom and lots of canine fun, so SIT..STAY!


Are you heading to the 5th Annual SE Rat Terrier Jamboree April 16 & 17, 2010 in Sweetwater, Tennessee just south of Knoxville in eastern Tennessee?

The Southeast Rat Terrier group would like to invite rat terrier owners and enthusiasts everywhere to attend our annual Jamboree and fundraiser for New Rattitude, a national rat terrier rescue organization,